25 research outputs found

    The Effect of Gender in the Publication Patterns in Mathematics

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    Despite the increasing number of women graduating in mathematics, a systemic gender imbalance persists and is signified by a pronounced gender gap in the distribution of active researchers and professors. Especially at the level of university faculty, women mathematicians continue being drastically underrepresented, decades after the first affirmative action measures have been put into place. A solid publication record is of paramount importance for securing permanent positions. Thus, the question arises whether the publication patterns of men and women mathematicians differ in a significant way. Making use of the zbMATH database, one of the most comprehensive metadata sources on mathematical publications, we analyze the scholarly output of ~150,000 mathematicians from the past four decades whose gender we algorithmically inferred. We focus on development over time, collaboration through coautorships, presumed journal quality and distribution of research topics -- factors known to have a strong impact on job perspectives. We report significant differences between genders which may put women at a disadvantage when pursuing an academic career in mathematics.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Životinjski svijet slatkovodnih ekosustava

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    Iako slatkovodne ekosustave čini svega 0,52 % ukupne vode na Zemlji, oni predstavljaju važno stanište mnogih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. U ovom radu pobliže je opisan životinjski svijet slatkovodnih ekosustava. Oni se dijele na vode stajaćice i vode tekućice. Međusobno se razlikuju u raznim biotičkim i abiotičkim čimbenicima (primjerice morfološkim, hidrološkim i fizikalno-kemijskim obilježjima). Sukladno navedenim razlikama, sastav i struktura životinjskih zajednica pojedinih ekosustava se razlikuju. Također, ovisno u uvjetima kojima su izloženi u pojedinom ekosustavu, životinjski organizmi su razvili prilagodbe koje im omogućavaju opstanak i preživljavanje u istim. Od životinjskih organizama, vodena staništa naseljavaju kralješnjaci i beskralješnjaci. Od kralješnjaka, najbrojnije su ribe, dok su među beskralješnjacima često najbrojniji i najraznolikiji kukci. U ovom radu opisani su najznačajniji predstavnici navedenih skupina zastupljeni u slatkovodnim ekosustavima naše zemlje. Također, raspravljano je i o praktičnoj primjeni teme u razrednoj i izvanučioničkoj nastavi.Although freshwater ecosystems account for only 0,52% of total water on Earth, they represent an important habitat of numerous plant and animal species. In this thesis, the most common animal communities of these ecosystems are described. Among freshwater ecosystems, lotic (flowing water) and lentic (standing water) habitats can be distinguished. They differ in various biotic and abiotic factors (such as morphological, hydrological and physico-chemical features). In accordance with these differences, the composition and structure of animal communities differ between ecosystems. Also, depending on the conditions animals are exposed to, they have developed various morphological, anatomical and behavioural characteristic that enable them more successful adaptation to their environment, and therefore higher chances of survival. Aquatic habitats are inhabited with various invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Among vertebrates, the most numerous are fish, while insect are 2 among the most numerous and diverse aquatic invertebrates. This thesis describes the most significant representatives of the mentioned animal groups represented in the Croatian freshwater ecosystems. Also, practical use of this the topic in the classroom and in the fieldwork-teaching was discussed

    Životinjski svijet slatkovodnih ekosustava

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    Iako slatkovodne ekosustave čini svega 0,52 % ukupne vode na Zemlji, oni predstavljaju važno stanište mnogih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. U ovom radu pobliže je opisan životinjski svijet slatkovodnih ekosustava. Oni se dijele na vode stajaćice i vode tekućice. Međusobno se razlikuju u raznim biotičkim i abiotičkim čimbenicima (primjerice morfološkim, hidrološkim i fizikalno-kemijskim obilježjima). Sukladno navedenim razlikama, sastav i struktura životinjskih zajednica pojedinih ekosustava se razlikuju. Također, ovisno u uvjetima kojima su izloženi u pojedinom ekosustavu, životinjski organizmi su razvili prilagodbe koje im omogućavaju opstanak i preživljavanje u istim. Od životinjskih organizama, vodena staništa naseljavaju kralješnjaci i beskralješnjaci. Od kralješnjaka, najbrojnije su ribe, dok su među beskralješnjacima često najbrojniji i najraznolikiji kukci. U ovom radu opisani su najznačajniji predstavnici navedenih skupina zastupljeni u slatkovodnim ekosustavima naše zemlje. Također, raspravljano je i o praktičnoj primjeni teme u razrednoj i izvanučioničkoj nastavi.Although freshwater ecosystems account for only 0,52% of total water on Earth, they represent an important habitat of numerous plant and animal species. In this thesis, the most common animal communities of these ecosystems are described. Among freshwater ecosystems, lotic (flowing water) and lentic (standing water) habitats can be distinguished. They differ in various biotic and abiotic factors (such as morphological, hydrological and physico-chemical features). In accordance with these differences, the composition and structure of animal communities differ between ecosystems. Also, depending on the conditions animals are exposed to, they have developed various morphological, anatomical and behavioural characteristic that enable them more successful adaptation to their environment, and therefore higher chances of survival. Aquatic habitats are inhabited with various invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Among vertebrates, the most numerous are fish, while insect are 2 among the most numerous and diverse aquatic invertebrates. This thesis describes the most significant representatives of the mentioned animal groups represented in the Croatian freshwater ecosystems. Also, practical use of this the topic in the classroom and in the fieldwork-teaching was discussed

    Životinjski svijet slatkovodnih ekosustava

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    Iako slatkovodne ekosustave čini svega 0,52 % ukupne vode na Zemlji, oni predstavljaju važno stanište mnogih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. U ovom radu pobliže je opisan životinjski svijet slatkovodnih ekosustava. Oni se dijele na vode stajaćice i vode tekućice. Međusobno se razlikuju u raznim biotičkim i abiotičkim čimbenicima (primjerice morfološkim, hidrološkim i fizikalno-kemijskim obilježjima). Sukladno navedenim razlikama, sastav i struktura životinjskih zajednica pojedinih ekosustava se razlikuju. Također, ovisno u uvjetima kojima su izloženi u pojedinom ekosustavu, životinjski organizmi su razvili prilagodbe koje im omogućavaju opstanak i preživljavanje u istim. Od životinjskih organizama, vodena staništa naseljavaju kralješnjaci i beskralješnjaci. Od kralješnjaka, najbrojnije su ribe, dok su među beskralješnjacima često najbrojniji i najraznolikiji kukci. U ovom radu opisani su najznačajniji predstavnici navedenih skupina zastupljeni u slatkovodnim ekosustavima naše zemlje. Također, raspravljano je i o praktičnoj primjeni teme u razrednoj i izvanučioničkoj nastavi.Although freshwater ecosystems account for only 0,52% of total water on Earth, they represent an important habitat of numerous plant and animal species. In this thesis, the most common animal communities of these ecosystems are described. Among freshwater ecosystems, lotic (flowing water) and lentic (standing water) habitats can be distinguished. They differ in various biotic and abiotic factors (such as morphological, hydrological and physico-chemical features). In accordance with these differences, the composition and structure of animal communities differ between ecosystems. Also, depending on the conditions animals are exposed to, they have developed various morphological, anatomical and behavioural characteristic that enable them more successful adaptation to their environment, and therefore higher chances of survival. Aquatic habitats are inhabited with various invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Among vertebrates, the most numerous are fish, while insect are 2 among the most numerous and diverse aquatic invertebrates. This thesis describes the most significant representatives of the mentioned animal groups represented in the Croatian freshwater ecosystems. Also, practical use of this the topic in the classroom and in the fieldwork-teaching was discussed

    A machine learning approach to quantify gender bias in collaboration practices of mathematicians

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    Collaboration practices have been shown to be crucial determinants of scientific careers. We examine the effect of gender on coauthorship-based collaboration in mathematics, a discipline in which women continue to be underrepresented, especially in higher academic positions. We focus on two key aspects of scientific collaboration—the number of different coauthors and the number of single authorships. A higher number of coauthors has a positive effect on, e.g., the number of citations and productivity, while single authorships, for example, serve as evidence of scientific maturity and help to send a clear signal of one's proficiency to the community. Using machine learning-based methods, we show that collaboration networks of female mathematicians are slightly larger than those of their male colleagues when potential confounders such as seniority or total number of publications are controlled, while they author significantly fewer papers on their own. This confirms previous descriptive explorations and provides more precise models for the role of gender in collaboration in mathematics

    Towards Standardized Mobility Reports with User-Level Privacy

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    The importance of human mobility analyses is growing in both research and practice, especially as applications for urban planning and mobility rely on them. Aggregate statistics and visualizations play an essential role as building blocks of data explorations and summary reports, the latter being increasingly released to third parties such as municipal administrations or in the context of citizen participation. However, such explorations already pose a threat to privacy as they reveal potentially sensitive location information, and thus should not be shared without further privacy measures. There is a substantial gap between state-of-the-art research on privacy methods and their utilization in practice. We thus conceptualize a standardized mobility report with differential privacy guarantees and implement it as open-source software to enable a privacy-preserving exploration of key aspects of mobility data in an easily accessible way. Moreover, we evaluate the benefits of limiting user contributions using three data sets relevant to research and practice. Our results show that even a strong limit on user contribution alters the original geospatial distribution only within a comparatively small range, while significantly reducing the error introduced by adding noise to achieve privacy guarantees

    Reflections on Gender Analyses of Bibliographic Corpora

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    The interplay between an academic's gender and their scholarly output is a riveting topic at the intersection of scientometrics, data science, gender studies, and sociology. Its effects can be studied to analyze the role of gender in research productivity, tenure and promotion standards, collaboration and networks, or scientific impact, among others. The typical methodology in this field of research is based on a number of assumptions that are customarily not discussed in detail in the relevant literature, but undoubtedly merit a critical examination. Presumably the most confronting aspect is the categorization of gender. An author's gender is typically inferred from their name, further reduced to a binary feature by an algorithmic procedure. This and subsequent data processing steps introduce biases whose effects are hard to estimate. In this report we describe said problems and discuss the reception and interplay of this line of research within the field. We also outline the effect of obstacles, such as non-availability of data and code for transparent communication. Building on our research on gender effects on scientific publications, we challenge the prevailing methodology in the field and offer a critical reflection on some of its flaws and pitfalls. Our observations are meant to open up the discussion around the need and feasibility of more elaborated approaches to tackle gender in conjunction with analyses of bibliographic sources

    Impact of High Salt Diet on Cerebral Vascular Function and Stroke in Tff3−/−/C57BL/6N Knockout and WT (C57BL/6N) Control Mice

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    High salt (HS) dietary intake leads to impaired vascular endothelium-dependent responses to various physiological stimuli, some of which are mediated by arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites. Transgenic Tff3−/− gene knockout mice (Tff3−/−/C57BL/6N) have changes in lipid metabolism which may affect vascular function and outcomes of stroke. We aimed to study the effects of one week of HS diet (4% NaCl) on vascular function and stroke induced by transient occlusion of middle cerebral artery in Tff3−/− and wild type (WT/C57BL/6N) mice. Flow-induced dilation (FID) of carotid artery was reduced in WT-HS mice, but not affected in Tff3−/−-HS mice. Nitric oxide (NO) mediated FID. NO production was decreased with HS diet. On the contrary, acetylcholine-induced dilation was significantly decreased in Tff3−/− mice on both diets and WT-HS mice. HS intake and Tff3 gene depletion affected the structural components of the vessels. Proteomic analysis revealed a significant effect of Tff3 gene deficiency on HS diet-induced changes in neuronal structural proteins and acute innate immune response proteins’ expression and Tff3 depletion, but HS diet did not increase the stroke volume, which is related to proteome modification and upregulation of genes involved mainly in cellular antioxidative defense. In conclusion, Tff3 depletion seems to partially impair vascular function and worsen the outcomes of stroke, which is moderately affected by HS diet